Unsere Empfehlung 🏆


Gibt dir die Möglichkeit alle Daten auf deinem iPhone in Echtzeit aus der Ferne zu löschen

Ultimative Upgrades:
Alle Upgrades sind im ersten Monat kostenfrei!

Sperre zusätzlich bestimmte iOS-Funktionen deines Handys mithilfe von CryptProtect:

Lass uns auf Nummer sicher gehen!
Schütze dich ab sofort gegen den Ernstfall.

Wir stehen für Flexibilität:
Keine Mindestlaufzeit ✓ Jederzeit sofort kündbar ✓

Wir beraten dich gerne!
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All data will be irrevocably destroyed in a few seconds and the phone will be reset to factory settings.

Why and what do I need CryptProtect for?

CryptProtect is important to protect your phone from unforeseeable emergency situations.
Imagine your phone falling into the wrong hands or being stolen.

Without CryptProtect you are powerless and have to hope that nobody accesses your personal data.

With CryptProtect you can remotely lock your phone and irrevocably erase all data if it falls into the wrong hands.

CryptProtect uses the official Apple MDM protocol, which means that your personal data such as photos or chats can never be recorded or used by us.



Have already been destroyed by the CryptProtect system in an emergency and thus saved from data theft.



Trust in our protect technology and have currently integrated their devices into the CryptProtect system.


Cost less

Compared to a lawyer who has to solve the problems caused by data loss from your phone.

Dein neuer persönlicher Begleiter

CryptProtect Notfallkarte

Mithilfe dieses edlen Gadgets in der Größe einer Kreditkarte, kannst du die Fernlöschung deines Handy's in Sekundenschnelle ausführen.

Cryptona explained

Was ist CryptProtect?

Watch this short explanatory video to learn exciting facts about how CryptProtect works!

frequently asked Questions

Our customer support is available from Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.Average Response Time: Less than 3 minutes


performance guarantee

For people who no longer leave their fate to chance.

Make yourself invincible against unforeseen emergencies!

Install our CryptProtect system today and always be prepared.

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