A concept that really


Our affiliate program offers you a great opportunity to become part of our proven and intelligent business concept.

You can benefit from our success by joining us and earning money with our company.


Our affiliate program offers the opportunity to attract potential customers by placing QR code stickers in different places, which contain your affiliate link completely invisible in the background.

If someone scans the sticker, will he is redirected to a landing page where he can buy our products.

You will receive a commission from us for every purchase made via your QR code sticker.

As a partner you have to just buy the stickers and place them once in your city while we take care of the rest.

It's a simple but effective concept to earn money passively.

Build your own


As you already know, there are advertising stickers for our products.

In addition to these product stickers, there are also so-called "recruitment stickers", which merely ensure that new people join the partner program via these stickers Join under your link.

Instead of SIM cards or other product advertising, these stickers contain simple advertising strategies such as: "Earn money by sticking stickers?", or: "Build your own passive income.".

Every other person who joins the affiliate program through you works under you, so to speak. Every time that person makes a sale, you'll earn a tasty commission.

But that's not all...

Every other person that this customer joins the program recruits, also works under you and you also earn a commission on their sales every time.

So you build up your own, completely automatic worker network without these people knowing anything about it and you benefit from every joining and everyone their sales on over 6 more levels.

It's just crazy, isn't it?

earn money


We already have hundreds of members who make sales every day and enjoy their lives - all through well-placed stickers.

You can be a part of this success story and benefit from our proven concept, or our members can continue to be involved watch them secure their future.

Register today with our affiliate program and become part of our network.

We are firmly convinced that with our help you can build your own income and financial achieve independence.

Sim Sticker

Diese Sticker sind speziell dafür entwickelt, um potenzielle Kunden für den Kauf von SIM-Karten zu begeistern.

Die ansprechenden Headlines und das ansprechende Design der Sticker wecken das Interesse der Leute und laden sie ein, den QR-Code zu scannen.

Dadurch gelangen sie direkt auf die SIM-Karten-Produktseite und können sich für einen Kauf entscheiden.

Als Crypted Partner profitierst du von jeder erfolgreichen Empfehlung.

Scanbait Sticker

Die Scanbait Sticker verwenden provokante Titel wie "Deine Daten sind in Gefahr", um die Aufmerksamkeit der Leute zu erregen und sie dazu zu bringen, den QR-Code zu scannen.

Nach dem Scannen werden sie auf eine Seite weitergeleitet, die ihnen ihre persönlichen Daten wie IP-Adresse, Standort, Gerät, Browser und Stadt anzeigt.

Diese Sticker motivieren deine potenziellen Kunden dazu, sich für Monatsabo-Softwareprodukte wie: CryptVPN oder CryptProtect und viele weitere Datenschutz- und Sicherheitsprodukte zu entscheiden.

(Spannender Tipp: Bei Monatsabo-Produkten, erhältst du bei jeder monatlichen Bestellung eine Provision!)

Netzwerk Sticker

Diese Sticker haben keine direkte Produktwerbung, sondern zielen darauf ab, Menschen für unser profitables Partnerprogramm zu gewinnen.

Mit lockenden Überschriften wie "GELD VERDIENEN" sprechen sie eine breite Zielgruppe an, die an Möglichkeiten interessiert ist, Geld zu verdienen. Nach dem Scannen des QR-Codes gelangen sie direkt zur Partnerprogramm-Seite und können sich für eine Partnerlizenz anmelden.

Als Stickerbesitzer profitierst du von jedem neuen Partner, der sich über deinen Sticker anmeldet, und wirst an deren Umsätzen über mehrere Ebenen beteiligt.

Fast ausverkauft ⌛

Crypted - Affiliate License

Hol dir jetzt deine Partnerlizenz und starte dein passives Einkommen!

What awaits you after joining?

A lot of exciting things are waiting for you, such as:

  • Our Telegram partner chat
  • An extensive partner dashboard
  • An exclusive partner shop
  • Lots of professional advertising material
  • Marketing strategies that have already been successful
  • Exchange with experienced crypted partners

And much more...

Deine potentiellen Kunden warten!
Werde noch heute Teil von etwas großem.

Nach dem Erwerb deiner Lizenz erhältst du sofortigen Zugang zu allen exklusiven Partnerfunktionen.

Cryptona explained

The Crypted Affiliate Program

Watch this short explainer video to learn exciting facts and real examples about our affiliate program and its successes.

frequently asked Questions

Our customer support is available from Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.Average Response Time: Less than 3 minutes

your key

To financial freedom.

Join us and earn your self-determined income together with us and our existing advertising partners!

Become a partner now