Find out what the internet...
knows about you
In the following tool we analyze all the values that we can find out about your device.
Please note that this is only a small number and in reality a lot more information about you can be read out.
Geräte- und IP-Informationen
Dein Gerät:
Dein Browser:
TOR Browser:
iCloud Relay:
Sensible Informationen
Dein verschlüsselter Zugang ins Internet
Kundenzufriedenheit hat für uns oberste Priorität. Deshalb geben wir dir eine Woche lang Zeit, unseren VPN-Service in Ruhe auszuprobieren.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an IP address?
IP addresses are unique numbers assigned to each internet-enabled device to enable its identification and communication within a network.
They act as a kind of digital "mailing address" and are essential for the operation of the Internets.
Your Internet provider can identify you with your IP address.
Can any website see this information about me?
Each website you visit may collect certain information about you, most notably your IP address.
This provides an indication of your approximate location and your ISP. In addition, websites can also collect information about the device you use, the browser you use and your surfing behavior.
This is usually done through cookies and other tracking technologies.
How can I protect myself from this?
To protect yourself from unwanted data collection and surveillance on the Internet, you can take various measures to increase your privacy and security:
- Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network): A VPN encrypts your internet connection and hides your IP address by routing your traffic through a secure server in another country. This makes it more difficult for websites and third parties to track your location and activity.
- Update your software regularly: Make sure your operating system, applications and browser are up to date to fix known security vulnerabilities .
- Install security and privacy plugins: Browser extensions such as uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger or HTTPS Everywhere can help protect your privacy and security when browsing the Internet.
- Manage your Cookies: Regularly clear your browser cookies or use your browser's incognito or private mode to reduce tracking of your activity by websites.
What is a VPN?
A VPN, short for Virtual Private Network, is a service that makes your internet connection more secure and anonymous. It works by creating an encrypted connection between your device and a VPN server. This server forwards your data to the Internet and sends the answers back to your device.
Think of a VPN like a protected tunnel that protects your data from prying eyes. When you turn on the VPN, your data is sent through this secure tunnel, so no one - hackers, ISPs, or governments - can see what you're doing online or what websites you're accessing.
A VPN will help you too to circumvent geo-restrictions by changing your IP address. Your IP address is like a digital postal address that tells you where you are. By replacing your IP address with the IP address of the VPN server, a VPN allows you to pretend that you are in a different location. This allows you to access content that may be blocked or restricted in your country.
In summary, a VPN is a useful tool to protect your online privacy, secure your data and avoid geo-restrictions on the internet to bypass.
The danger of not using a VPN
The danger online is that your IP address can reveal information about your location, your internet service provider and even the type of device you are using.
Without proper protections like a VPN, cybercriminals can , hackers and even state actors use this information to monitor all your online activities, violate your privacy or in some cases even launch targeted attacks on your network.
Which of my data can hackers collect?
By collecting and analyzing IP addresses and associated data, third parties can access sensitive information without your consent and often unnoticed.
This can result in your personal data, such as your B. your location, your surfing activities or even your identity, can be compromised and fall into the wrong hands.
Become invisible on the internet:
anti-spy products
Dein verschlüsselter SIM-Router für unterwegs
Blockiert die Mikrofone aller deiner Geräte
Der einzigartige Schutz gegen Datendiebstahl
Die Tasche die alle Signale blockiert
Gibt dir die Möglichkeit alle Daten auf deinem iPhone in Echtzeit aus der Ferne zu löschen